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04 Jul

Playing Different Varieties of MMO Games

Published by henriesimms

Playing Different Varieties of MMO Games

Massively Multiplayer Online or MMO game is the most popular game genre today. It is quite flexible and it offers a wide range of features that gamers around the globe will surely enjoy. This game genre is flexible because it is not only about a single type of game. You will find that there are several games under it. Here are some of the types of MMOG that you can look out for.


If you are thinking about the biggest and the most popular type of MMO, you should look at Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game or MMORPG. Most of these games are free to play and there are free MMORPG that you can find on several websites on the Internet.

Role-playing games will allow you to choose the characters that you want to play. The number of characters depends solely on the developers of the game. Role-playing games is an adventure game that allows you to meet new people and explore the game and its maps.

Internet connection is always needed for multiplayer games because you cannot interact with other players without this.

Bulletin Board Role-Playing Games

When you compare it to the typical role playing game, it is not as popular and exciting because it only has some descriptions, texts and images. Most of these games are played on your browser but the creators also make a client that will allow you to play even without Internet.

First-Person Shooter

It is true that a first-person shooter can be placed under the umbrella of MMORPG, but it is quite different from your typical RPG. This is all about guns and shooting games. Since you don’t see your character or avatar, all you can see is the gun or knife that you are using. You can find LAN games created for this as well and there is some where you need an Internet connection.

Real-Time Strategy Games

As the name implies, it is all about strategies where you can apply real-time tactics inside the game. These strategic games require you to have the right mentality to improve the nation and take over other tribes and players. You are the king of the nation and tribe and this is your main responsibility.

You will always have tons of options if you have plans of playing MMO games.

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